Please find our Literature Ministry Guide below.
Please find our Literature Ministry Guide below.
The Literature Ministry Guide is a resource for:
The Literature Ministry Guide is a resource for:
· Business and Health Professionals
· Business and Health Professionals
· Hospital and Educational Institutions
· Hospital and Educational Institutions
· Church and Community Outreach Ministries
· Church and Community Outreach Ministries
It will help you to customize a Literature Ministry for your sphere of influence and provide the guidance for how to organize, manage and operate a Literature Ministry of any size.
It will help you to customize a Literature Ministry for your sphere of influence and provide the guidance for how to organize, manage and operate a Literature Ministry of any size.
You can download a PDF copy:
You can download a PDF copy:
You can also download the Prospectus:
You can also download the Prospectus:
Literature Ministry carousels and racks offer free gospel literature and Bible study lessons to the public. It is a collaboration of the Holy Spirit, Literature Ministry volunteers and partners engaged in community outreach ministries that include dental, law and medical practices; business professionals and wellness centers; Adventist universities and hospitals with ancillary sites.
Literature Ministry carousels and racks offer free gospel literature and Bible study lessons to the public. It is a collaboration of the Holy Spirit, Literature Ministry volunteers and partners engaged in community outreach ministries that include dental, law and medical practices; business professionals and wellness centers; Adventist universities and hospitals with ancillary sites.
This Literature Ministry Guide provides the quick start support needed to design a Literature Ministry for your sphere of influence. Select or adapt from this guide what will be helpful in your situation.
This Literature Ministry Guide provides the quick start support needed to design a Literature Ministry for your sphere of influence. Select or adapt from this guide what will be helpful in your situation.
The Introduction, Preface, and first ten pages of this Literature Ministry Guide cover the core concepts of what you need to know about a Literature and Bible Study Ministry hereinafter Literature Ministry (LM). What follows are timesaving resources that describe how to organize, operate and manage a Literature Ministry.
The Introduction, Preface, and first ten pages of this Literature Ministry Guide cover the core concepts of what you need to know about a Literature and Bible Study Ministry hereinafter Literature Ministry (LM). What follows are timesaving resources that describe how to organize, operate and manage a Literature Ministry.
The Holy Spirit is the active agency of Literature Ministry. Literature Ministry churches provide literature carousels and racks and the volunteers to keep them supplied with literature and to follow up Bible study requests. Literature Ministry site partners authorize literature carousel locations and reimburse Literature Ministries for literature at the publisher’s cost. Together they sow gospel seeds that give rise to spiritual conviction and eternal life with God’s family.
The Holy Spirit is the active agency of Literature Ministry. Literature Ministry churches provide literature carousels and racks and the volunteers to keep them supplied with literature and to follow up Bible study requests. Literature Ministry site partners authorize literature carousel locations and reimburse Literature Ministries for literature at the publisher’s cost. Together they sow gospel seeds that give rise to spiritual conviction and eternal life with God’s family.
It is the Holy Spirit who prompts people to take literature from carousels as they pass through lobbies or wait for an appointment or service by an outreach ministry. Some will choose to enroll in an It Is Written or VOP Bible study lesson series for follow up by a Bible study lesson instructor or an IIW/VOP Bible correspondence school.
It is the Holy Spirit who prompts people to take literature from carousels as they pass through lobbies or wait for an appointment or service by an outreach ministry. Some will choose to enroll in an It Is Written or VOP Bible study lesson series for follow up by a Bible study lesson instructor or an IIW/VOP Bible correspondence school.
It is our prayer for each new Literature Ministry that they discover literature Ministry is a marvelous way to participate in the proclamation of the Three Angels’ messages and witness the Holy Spirit distribute Gospel literature like the leaves of autumn!
It is our prayer for each new Literature Ministry that they discover literature Ministry is a marvelous way to participate in the proclamation of the Three Angels’ messages and witness the Holy Spirit distribute Gospel literature like the leaves of autumn!
Literature Ministry Team
Literature Ministry Team
The Literature Ministry team consists of local church volunteers and Literature Ministry partners who authorize literature carousels and rack displays. The team is the result of a local Church Board’s decision to: adopt a Literature Ministry as part of their mission statement; authorize a Literature Ministry Committee to conduct its Literature Ministry; and to become a Voice of Prophecy (VOP) Discover Bible School.
The Literature Ministry team consists of local church volunteers and Literature Ministry partners who authorize literature carousels and rack displays. The team is the result of a local Church Board’s decision to: adopt a Literature Ministry as part of their mission statement; authorize a Literature Ministry Committee to conduct its Literature Ministry; and to become a Voice of Prophecy (VOP) Discover Bible School.
Following these actions, the Church Board appoints the charter Literature Ministry Committee (LMC) members with input from its Chairperson. The LMC will recruit, train and oversee LM volunteers. (Per Conference policy all church volunteers who engage in personal work are to be vetted as are teachers who teach children); find a place to store literature; purchase literature, Bible Study lessons, enrollment cards, carousels and racks; solicit donations; and recruit LM partners who reimburse LM for literature at publishers’ cost.
Following these actions, the Church Board appoints the charter Literature Ministry Committee (LMC) members with input from its Chairperson. The LMC will recruit, train and oversee LM volunteers. (Per Conference policy all church volunteers who engage in personal work are to be vetted as are teachers who teach children); find a place to store literature; purchase literature, Bible Study lessons, enrollment cards, carousels and racks; solicit donations; and recruit LM partners who reimburse LM for literature at publishers’ cost.
The Holy Spirit will attract the people needed to keep literature carousels and racks filled with literature and to follow up on Bible study requests.
The Holy Spirit will attract the people needed to keep literature carousels and racks filled with literature and to follow up on Bible study requests.
This Literature Ministry Guide will help new Literature Ministries develop their own job descriptions, procedures, forms, and recruit, educate and train the Literature and Bible Study Ministry teams.
This Literature Ministry Guide will help new Literature Ministries develop their own job descriptions, procedures, forms, and recruit, educate and train the Literature and Bible Study Ministry teams.
The Literature Ministry Committee (LMC) meets monthly and reports to the local Church Board through its Pastoral Liaison. The LMC members include the Chairperson; an All Sites Coordinator to oversee several Site Coordinators or a Site Coordinator to oversee a team of Site Distributors; a Bible Study Manager to manage Bible Study Lesson Requests and oversee Bible Instructors [This task is given to a Bible Study Coordinator when an Area Bible Study Coordinator is needed.]; an Expansion Manager to recruit new Literature Ministry partners; a Literature Storage Manager to manage the literature inventory; a Communications and PR Director to enhance LM team communications, morale and facilitate the marketing of literature ministry; a LM Treasurer to ensure financial accountability; plus Advisory, Representative, and Special Project personnel by invitation of the LMC.
The Literature Ministry Committee (LMC) meets monthly and reports to the local Church Board through its Pastoral Liaison. The LMC members include the Chairperson; an All Sites Coordinator to oversee several Site Coordinators or a Site Coordinator to oversee a team of Site Distributors; a Bible Study Manager to manage Bible Study Lesson Requests and oversee Bible Instructors [This task is given to a Bible Study Coordinator when an Area Bible Study Coordinator is needed.]; an Expansion Manager to recruit new Literature Ministry partners; a Literature Storage Manager to manage the literature inventory; a Communications and PR Director to enhance LM team communications, morale and facilitate the marketing of literature ministry; a LM Treasurer to ensure financial accountability; plus Advisory, Representative, and Special Project personnel by invitation of the LMC.
Chairperson of the LMC is appointed by the Church Board to oversee the development, operation, funding and staffing of the Literature and Bible Study Ministry (LM). This person is a Spirit led visionary who is organized and possesses wisdom in dealing with people and business practices.
Chairperson of the LMC is appointed by the Church Board to oversee the development, operation, funding and staffing of the Literature and Bible Study Ministry (LM). This person is a Spirit led visionary who is organized and possesses wisdom in dealing with people and business practices.
The Coordinator (the All Sites Coordinator for several sites) is recruited to oversee, manage and generate the monthly Distributor Refill/Count Sheet. (See Enclosures IV and V; Exhibit VII);receive Distributor Reports (See Exhibit VII), whose total count numbers are captured by the Coordinator’s Monthly and Semi-annual Reports (See Exhibits VIII and X); train Site Coordinators and Distributors (See Enclosures V and VI); work with the Literature Storage Manager to fill Site Coordinator Literature Request Orders, and assist with preparing ABC literature orders (See Enclosure I). A monthly Activity Report is submitted to the LMC.
The Coordinator (the All Sites Coordinator for several sites) is recruited to oversee, manage and generate the monthly Distributor Refill/Count Sheet. (See Enclosures IV and V; Exhibit VII);receive Distributor Reports (See Exhibit VII), whose total count numbers are captured by the Coordinator’s Monthly and Semi-annual Reports (See Exhibits VIII and X); train Site Coordinators and Distributors (See Enclosures V and VI); work with the Literature Storage Manager to fill Site Coordinator Literature Request Orders, and assist with preparing ABC literature orders (See Enclosure I). A monthly Activity Report is submitted to the LMC.
The Bible Study Manager: is recruited to ensure the follow up of Bible study lesson requests received from IIW and VOP Bible Schools; manage Bible Lesson Instructors and Bible Study Coordinators when used; utilize the Bible study lesson guide training offered by the VOP and IIW representatives; forward out of the area Bible study requests to the IIW or VOP Bible study correspondence school; and ensure sufficient sets of Bible lesson guides are available. A monthly Activity Report is submitted to the LMC. See Enclosure II.
The Bible Study Manager: is recruited to ensure the follow up of Bible study lesson requests received from IIW and VOP Bible Schools; manage Bible Lesson Instructors and Bible Study Coordinators when used; utilize the Bible study lesson guide training offered by the VOP and IIW representatives; forward out of the area Bible study requests to the IIW or VOP Bible study correspondence school; and ensure sufficient sets of Bible lesson guides are available. A monthly Activity Report is submitted to the LMC. See Enclosure II.
The Expansion Manager recruits new literature ministry partners who sign a Site Authorization Agreement. See Exhibit III. It discloses what each party agrees to do along with display locations and a start date. A monthly activity report of new and forecasted literature site locations is submitted to the LMC.
The Expansion Manager recruits new literature ministry partners who sign a Site Authorization Agreement. See Exhibit III. It discloses what each party agrees to do along with display locations and a start date. A monthly activity report of new and forecasted literature site locations is submitted to the LMC.
The LM Treasurer collaborates with the Church Business Office to manage the LMC’s financial activities. A monthly Activity Report is submitted to the LMC. See Enclosure IX; Exhibits V and XI.
The LM Treasurer collaborates with the Church Business Office to manage the LMC’s financial activities. A monthly Activity Report is submitted to the LMC. See Enclosure IX; Exhibits V and XI.
Literature Ministry is self-funded by LM partners of a Site Authorization Agreement, independent outreach ministries and local church donations. LM is a separate account on the local church books. Generally accepted accounting practices shall be used to conduct all of its financial activities.
Literature Ministry is self-funded by LM partners of a Site Authorization Agreement, independent outreach ministries and local church donations. LM is a separate account on the local church books. Generally accepted accounting practices shall be used to conduct all of its financial activities.
The Pastoral Advisor serves as the LMC liaison to the Church Board. The IIW and VOP Representatives advise the LMC and train the Bible Lesson Instructors in the art of student visitation and teaching IIW and VOP study lesson guides.
The Pastoral Advisor serves as the LMC liaison to the Church Board. The IIW and VOP Representatives advise the LMC and train the Bible Lesson Instructors in the art of student visitation and teaching IIW and VOP study lesson guides.
Literature Ministry Committee Organization Chart
Literature Ministry Committee Organization Chart
Literature Ministry Team Daily Tasks
Literature Ministry Team Daily Tasks
Literature Ministry Team Monthly Tasks
Literature Ministry Team Monthly Tasks
The Three Angels’ Messages and the Holy Spirit move us to take greater action to proclaim God’s redeeming love for people.
The Three Angels’ Messages and the Holy Spirit move us to take greater action to proclaim God’s redeeming love for people.
Literature Ministry’s purpose is to save people for eternal life with God’s family on earth now and in the new earth to come. Thousands of people will trace their first convictions to know Jesus and the Father through literature.-CM 5, 151. They come to know a loving Creator, Redeemer and Friend through Bible study and Christian fellowship. Their response is recorded in Revelation 14. They worship God with hearts of gratitude and love because He is their personal Creator who has redeemed them.
Literature Ministry’s purpose is to save people for eternal life with God’s family on earth now and in the new earth to come. Thousands of people will trace their first convictions to know Jesus and the Father through literature.-CM 5, 151. They come to know a loving Creator, Redeemer and Friend through Bible study and Christian fellowship. Their response is recorded in Revelation 14. They worship God with hearts of gratitude and love because He is their personal Creator who has redeemed them.
In 2019 the Holy Spirit prompted people coming to Loma Linda health facilities and educational campuses to remove nearly 200,000 pieces of literature and Bible study lesson requests from carousels and racks. This happened without any kind of marketing, advertising, or social media blitzes. We simply displayed literature in carousels and located them where people pass through lobbies, waiting rooms, lecture halls, lounge areas, health and fitness complexes that serve students and the community.
In 2019 the Holy Spirit prompted people coming to Loma Linda health facilities and educational campuses to remove nearly 200,000 pieces of literature and Bible study lesson requests from carousels and racks. This happened without any kind of marketing, advertising, or social media blitzes. We simply displayed literature in carousels and located them where people pass through lobbies, waiting rooms, lecture halls, lounge areas, health and fitness complexes that serve students and the community.
Loma Linda is unique in that it has a high concentration of University educational health and medical locations, dental and professional offices, and community outreach ministries. We are surprised by how many people thirst for Gospel literature such as Steps to Christ and Bible Answers (the most popular literature) followed by lifestyle and health information, crisis support and Bible study offers
Loma Linda is unique in that it has a high concentration of University educational health and medical locations, dental and professional offices, and community outreach ministries. We are surprised by how many people thirst for Gospel literature such as Steps to Christ and Bible Answers (the most popular literature) followed by lifestyle and health information, crisis support and Bible study offers
Your Literature Ministry may not have the number and variety of locations, but if you display literature in a carousel or rack the Holy Spirit will help people discover what they need for their journey to eternal fellowship with Jesus, the Father and His family on earth.
Your Literature Ministry may not have the number and variety of locations, but if you display literature in a carousel or rack the Holy Spirit will help people discover what they need for their journey to eternal fellowship with Jesus, the Father and His family on earth.
We cannot help but wonder if the thousands of pieces of literature distributed each month by the Holy Spirit are a precursor to the Latter Rain! Certainly we are blessed and privileged to be in this time and place! What a joyful thought!
We cannot help but wonder if the thousands of pieces of literature distributed each month by the Holy Spirit are a precursor to the Latter Rain! Certainly we are blessed and privileged to be in this time and place! What a joyful thought!
Please join us in a Literature Ministry appropriate to your sphere of influence. Whatever your type or style of ministry we pray that you too will experience what we have learned: If you are available and committed to team with the Holy Spirit in a Literature Ministry you will witness the extraordinary activity of the Holy Spirit that prompts people to take literature from literature carousels in unprecedented numbers, even by the tens of thousands if you are a university or hospital campus!
Please join us in a Literature Ministry appropriate to your sphere of influence. Whatever your type or style of ministry we pray that you too will experience what we have learned: If you are available and committed to team with the Holy Spirit in a Literature Ministry you will witness the extraordinary activity of the Holy Spirit that prompts people to take literature from literature carousels in unprecedented numbers, even by the tens of thousands if you are a university or hospital campus!
Your friends in service with the Holy Spirit —
Your friends in service with the Holy Spirit —
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
- Literature Ministry Committee
- Job Description Summaries
- Organization Chart
- Team Tasks (Daily; Month End)
- Organize
- Select Literature
- Where to Buy (Literature and Racks)
Procedures: Literature Operations
Procedures: Literature Operations
Appendix I - LM Account Setup: ABC (PP), IIW and VOP
Appendix I - LM Account Setup: ABC (PP), IIW and VOP
Appendix II - Bible School Codes
Appendix II - Bible School Codes
Appendix III - Place Orders by Quantities
Appendix III - Place Orders by Quantities
Appendix IV - Order Preparation
Appendix IV - Order Preparation
Appendix V - Delivery and Acceptance of Orders
Appendix V - Delivery and Acceptance of Orders
Appendix VI - Replenish Literature Inventory
Appendix VI - Replenish Literature Inventory
Appendix VII - Literature Inventory Management
Appendix VII - Literature Inventory Management
Appendix VIII - Literature Storage and Carousel Setup
Appendix VIII - Literature Storage and Carousel Setup
Appendix IX - Literature Carousel Display Strategy
Appendix IX - Literature Carousel Display Strategy
Sample Documents
Sample Documents
Exhibit I - Literature Ministry Committee Agenda
Exhibit I - Literature Ministry Committee Agenda
Exhibit II - Carousel Rack Picture
Exhibit II - Carousel Rack Picture
Exhibit III - Site Authorization Agreement
Exhibit III - Site Authorization Agreement
Exhibit IV - Standard Literature List
Exhibit IV - Standard Literature List
Exhibit V - Orders, Invoices, and Funding Flowchart
Exhibit V - Orders, Invoices, and Funding Flowchart
Exhibit VI - Adventist Book Center (ABC) Order
Exhibit VI - Adventist Book Center (ABC) Order
Exhibit VII - Distributor Refill Count Sheet
Exhibit VII - Distributor Refill Count Sheet
Exhibit VIII - Distributor and Coordinator Report Forms
Exhibit VIII - Distributor and Coordinator Report Forms
Exhibit IX - Literature Inventory Requests (Site Coordinator)
Exhibit IX - Literature Inventory Requests (Site Coordinator)
Exhibit X - LM Summary Report (Semi-annual)
Exhibit X - LM Summary Report (Semi-annual)
Exhibit XI - Treasurer’s Financial Activity Report
Exhibit XI - Treasurer’s Financial Activity Report
Job Descriptions: Manager Responsibilities
Job Descriptions: Manager Responsibilities
Enclosure I - Literature Storage Manager
Enclosure I - Literature Storage Manager
Enclosure II - Bible Study Manager
Enclosure II - Bible Study Manager
Enclosure III - Bible Study Director
Enclosure III - Bible Study Director
Enclosure IV - All Sites Coordinator (Oversees many)
Enclosure IV - All Sites Coordinator (Oversees many)
Enclosure V - Site Coordinator
Enclosure V - Site Coordinator
Enclosure VI - Site Distributor
Enclosure VI - Site Distributor
Enclosure VII - Distributor Refill Count Sheet Instructions
Enclosure VII - Distributor Refill Count Sheet Instructions
Enclosure VIII - Site Manager (Nearby area)
Enclosure VIII - Site Manager (Nearby area)
Enclosure IX - LM Treasurer — Church Business Office
Enclosure IX - LM Treasurer — Church Business Office
Enclosure X - Expansion Manager
Enclosure X - Expansion Manager
Enclosure XI - Communications and PR Director
Enclosure XI - Communications and PR Director
Enclosure XII - LM Archive Custodian
Enclosure XII - LM Archive Custodian
Literature Ministry
Literature Ministry
Literature Ministry (LM) carousels and racks offer free gospel literature and Bible study lessons to the public. It is a collaboration of the Holy Spirit, Literature Ministry volunteers and partners engaged in community outreach to the underserved and to the searching patients and clients of dental, law and medical practices; the customers of business professionals and wellness centers; the students and employees of Adventist universities and hospitals.
Literature Ministry (LM) carousels and racks offer free gospel literature and Bible study lessons to the public. It is a collaboration of the Holy Spirit, Literature Ministry volunteers and partners engaged in community outreach to the underserved and to the searching patients and clients of dental, law and medical practices; the customers of business professionals and wellness centers; the students and employees of Adventist universities and hospitals.
This Literature Ministry Guide provides the support needed to design a Literature Ministry for your sphere of influence. Select or adapt from this guide what will be helpful in your situation.
This Literature Ministry Guide provides the support needed to design a Literature Ministry for your sphere of influence. Select or adapt from this guide what will be helpful in your situation.
To those who feel the Holy Spirit is calling them to a Literature and Bible Study Ministry, consider writing Purpose, Vision and Mission statements such as:
To those who feel the Holy Spirit is calling them to a Literature and Bible Study Ministry, consider writing Purpose, Vision and Mission statements such as:
OUR PURPOSE is to see souls saved for eternity.
OUR PURPOSE is to see souls saved for eternity.
WE ENVISION Literature Ministry as a means by which people may come to know Jesus as their loving Creator, Redeemer and Friend.
WE ENVISION Literature Ministry as a means by which people may come to know Jesus as their loving Creator, Redeemer and Friend.
OUR MISSION is to participate in spreading the gospel invitation of the Three Angels’ Messages to worship God with hearts of gratitude, love and awe for being our personal Creator and Redeemer.
OUR MISSION is to participate in spreading the gospel invitation of the Three Angels’ Messages to worship God with hearts of gratitude, love and awe for being our personal Creator and Redeemer.
Literature Ministry’s strategy is simply to place literature and Bible study offers in free-standing, unmanned carousels and racks and let the Holy Spirit prompt people to select literature or request Bible study lessons that will help them.
Literature Ministry’s strategy is simply to place literature and Bible study offers in free-standing, unmanned carousels and racks and let the Holy Spirit prompt people to select literature or request Bible study lessons that will help them.
God’s people are described as seed sowers (Matthew 13) who are commissioned to make disciples (Matthew 28) by inviting people to know God the Father through Jesus who became one of us to demonstrate how deeply God loves and is committed to save the people of this world.
God’s people are described as seed sowers (Matthew 13) who are commissioned to make disciples (Matthew 28) by inviting people to know God the Father through Jesus who became one of us to demonstrate how deeply God loves and is committed to save the people of this world.
More than one thousand will soon be converted in one day, most of whom will trace their first convictions to the reading of our publications. CM 151.3
More than one thousand will soon be converted in one day, most of whom will trace their first convictions to the reading of our publications. CM 151.3
Publications must be multiplied and scattered like the leaves of autumn. These silent messengers are enlightening and molding the minds of thousands… CM 5
Publications must be multiplied and scattered like the leaves of autumn. These silent messengers are enlightening and molding the minds of thousands… CM 5
Remember, we do not personally distribute literature. It is the Holy Spirit who prompts people to select literature from carousels and racks.
Remember, we do not personally distribute literature. It is the Holy Spirit who prompts people to select literature from carousels and racks.
The lesson we learned: If you and I are available and committed to a Literature Ministry appropriate to our community we will witness and participate in the extraordinary literature distribution activity of the Holy Spirit!
The lesson we learned: If you and I are available and committed to a Literature Ministry appropriate to our community we will witness and participate in the extraordinary literature distribution activity of the Holy Spirit!
TO ORGANIZE an institutional or an area wide Literature Ministry, the local church or area churches will consider holding an area wide meeting for all persons interested in a Literature and Bible Study Ministry that partners with hospital and educational institutions; church and community outreach ministries or collaborates with a business, law or health professional. The purpose of this meeting is to determine the degree of interest for a Literature Ministry, form a pool of Literature Ministry volunteers and identify the skills available to manage, operate or collaborate with a Literature Ministry.
TO ORGANIZE an institutional or an area wide Literature Ministry, the local church or area churches will consider holding an area wide meeting for all persons interested in a Literature and Bible Study Ministry that partners with hospital and educational institutions; church and community outreach ministries or collaborates with a business, law or health professional. The purpose of this meeting is to determine the degree of interest for a Literature Ministry, form a pool of Literature Ministry volunteers and identify the skills available to manage, operate or collaborate with a Literature Ministry.
Topics include an overview of Literature Ministry, the responsibilities of the Literature Ministry Committee (LMC) members, Coordinators, Distributors, Bible Study Coordinators and Instructors.
Topics include an overview of Literature Ministry, the responsibilities of the Literature Ministry Committee (LMC) members, Coordinators, Distributors, Bible Study Coordinators and Instructors.
Operation topics include how to recruit literature carousel and rack locations, set up and servicing literature displays; manage the literature storage facility and inventory; fund Literature Ministry; follow up Bible study lesson requests; use the VOP Discover Bible School database and train LM volunteers, etc.
Operation topics include how to recruit literature carousel and rack locations, set up and servicing literature displays; manage the literature storage facility and inventory; fund Literature Ministry; follow up Bible study lesson requests; use the VOP Discover Bible School database and train LM volunteers, etc.
LITERATURE CAROUSEL OR RACK LOCATIONS depend on partnership agreements with the decision makers (Site Administrators) of an Adventist hospital or university, professional physician and dental offices, allied health and wellness centers, small businesses, outreach ministries and even a chapel in the Ronald McDonald House.
LITERATURE CAROUSEL OR RACK LOCATIONS depend on partnership agreements with the decision makers (Site Administrators) of an Adventist hospital or university, professional physician and dental offices, allied health and wellness centers, small businesses, outreach ministries and even a chapel in the Ronald McDonald House.
SELECT LITERATURE from the recommended Standard Literature List. It identifies the most popular literature selected over a period of 2 years at multiple literature sites. Literature selection should reflect the needs of your ministry area.
SELECT LITERATURE from the recommended Standard Literature List. It identifies the most popular literature selected over a period of 2 years at multiple literature sites. Literature selection should reflect the needs of your ministry area.
The 10 most popular literature topics selected in order of popularity, are: (1) Steps to Christ, (2) Bible Answers, (3) Great Hope, (4) Keys to Happiness (Steps to Christ), (5) Time for Peace, (6) Healing Power of Love, (7) Signs Magazine (monthly edition), (8) Messiah, (9) U-Turn, and (10) Signs Magazine special editions (large size). Experience shows that color scheme and strategic placement of literature and enrollment offers result in more literature taken and Bible studies requested! See Appendix IX and Exhibit II.
The 10 most popular literature topics selected in order of popularity, are: (1) Steps to Christ, (2) Bible Answers, (3) Great Hope, (4) Keys to Happiness (Steps to Christ), (5) Time for Peace, (6) Healing Power of Love, (7) Signs Magazine (monthly edition), (8) Messiah, (9) U-Turn, and (10) Signs Magazine special editions (large size). Experience shows that color scheme and strategic placement of literature and enrollment offers result in more literature taken and Bible studies requested! See Appendix IX and Exhibit II.
Sensitivity is employed in the selection of Adventist literature and Bible lessons to ensure they are not intrusive or offensive. Gospel literature and Bible lessons on display proclaim that Jesus Christ was sent by our Father in heaven to be one of us and to awaken love within us for Him as our Father, Creator, Redeemer and Friend.
Sensitivity is employed in the selection of Adventist literature and Bible lessons to ensure they are not intrusive or offensive. Gospel literature and Bible lessons on display proclaim that Jesus Christ was sent by our Father in heaven to be one of us and to awaken love within us for Him as our Father, Creator, Redeemer and Friend.
LITERATURE is purchased through the Adventist Book Centers (ABCs) for Pacific Press publications. Bible study lesson guides are purchased direct through It Is Written and the Voice of Prophecy. (See Appendix III). Be sure to get an assigned IIW or VOP Discover Bible School code printed or stamped on enrollment cards and lesson #1. This code identifies the follow up Literature Ministry. (See Appendix II).
LITERATURE is purchased through the Adventist Book Centers (ABCs) for Pacific Press publications. Bible study lesson guides are purchased direct through It Is Written and the Voice of Prophecy. (See Appendix III). Be sure to get an assigned IIW or VOP Discover Bible School code printed or stamped on enrollment cards and lesson #1. This code identifies the follow up Literature Ministry. (See Appendix II).
Pacific Press’s best price literature at ABC’s is listed by the Standard Literature List. (See Exhibit IV). It is based on nearly 200,000 pieces of literature purchased in 2019 by the Loma Linda University Church’s Literature Ministry Committee. About one half of the Bible study lesson requests come from people who live in other areas or states. Shipping Pacific Press literature to an ABC versus individual locations permits additional cost savings to Pacific Press that is reflected in literature prices.
Pacific Press’s best price literature at ABC’s is listed by the Standard Literature List. (See Exhibit IV). It is based on nearly 200,000 pieces of literature purchased in 2019 by the Loma Linda University Church’s Literature Ministry Committee. About one half of the Bible study lesson requests come from people who live in other areas or states. Shipping Pacific Press literature to an ABC versus individual locations permits additional cost savings to Pacific Press that is reflected in literature prices.
Most literature ministries will use the 8 pocket carousel or single pocket rack versus the 28 pocket floor carousel for lobbies.
Most literature ministries will use the 8 pocket carousel or single pocket rack versus the 28 pocket floor carousel for lobbies.
Literature carousels and racks are available direct from the following vendors:
Literature carousels and racks are available direct from the following vendors:
1. Literature Plexiglas Single Display Rack for-Counter Tops: (1 pocket); 11 X 5.5 x 2 inches; Model LH55: $3.04 each in lots of 100. *
1. Literature Plexiglas Single Display Rack for-Counter Tops: (1 pocket); 11 X 5.5 x 2 inches; Model LH55: $3.04 each in lots of 100. *
2. Literature Mini-Carousel for Table Tops (Wire): (8 Pockets); 2.5 Feet tall; Model WSCBK28: $51.04 each for quantities of 3 to 5. *
2. Literature Mini-Carousel for Table Tops (Wire): (8 Pockets); 2.5 Feet tall; Model WSCBK28: $51.04 each for quantities of 3 to 5. *
3. Literature Carousel for Lobby and Lounge Floors (Wire): (28 pockets); 5 Feet tall; $335.00 each. *
3. Literature Carousel for Lobby and Lounge Floors (Wire): (28 pockets); 5 Feet tall; $335.00 each. *
J&P Wire Products, Inc. 5565 SE International Way, Milwaukie, OR 97222. See Gary Carpenter’s contact information below.
J&P Wire Products, Inc. 5565 SE International Way, Milwaukie, OR 97222. See Gary Carpenter’s contact information below.
* Manufacturers reserve the right to change prices without notice.
* Manufacturers reserve the right to change prices without notice.
Literature Ministry Committee
Literature Ministry Committee
Loma Linda University Church
Loma Linda University Church
Procedures (Appendices)
Procedures (Appendices)
Appendix I - LM Account Setup: ABC (PP), IIW and VOP
Appendix I - LM Account Setup: ABC (PP), IIW and VOP
Appendix II - Bible School Codes
Appendix II - Bible School Codes
Appendix III - Place Orders by Quantities
Appendix III - Place Orders by Quantities
Appendix IV - Order Preparation
Appendix IV - Order Preparation
Appendix V - Delivery and Acceptance of Orders
Appendix V - Delivery and Acceptance of Orders
Appendix VI - Replenish Literature Inventory
Appendix VI - Replenish Literature Inventory
Appendix VII - Literature Inventory Management
Appendix VII - Literature Inventory Management
Appendix VIII - Literature Storage and Carousel Setup
Appendix VIII - Literature Storage and Carousel Setup
Appendix IX - Literature Carousel Display Strategy
Appendix IX - Literature Carousel Display Strategy
Description - Open a customer account with SDA literature publishers.
Description - Open a customer account with SDA literature publishers.
Purpose - To purchase SDA literature for display in Literature Ministry carousels and racks.
Purpose - To purchase SDA literature for display in Literature Ministry carousels and racks.
Responsibility - The Literature Storage Manager and Site Coordinator.
Responsibility - The Literature Storage Manager and Site Coordinator.
Customer Account Setup
Customer Account Setup
1. Obtain signature authorization from the Literature Ministry Committee to open an account with the Adventist Book Center (ABC), It Is Written and Voice of Prophecy to purchase literature.
1. Obtain signature authorization from the Literature Ministry Committee to open an account with the Adventist Book Center (ABC), It Is Written and Voice of Prophecy to purchase literature.
2. Anticipate New Account Information by generating a print out of the BILL TO, SHIP TO and ALTERNATE Ship To information:
2. Anticipate New Account Information by generating a print out of the BILL TO, SHIP TO and ALTERNATE Ship To information:
Acct #:
Acct #:
Customer #
Customer #
Bible School Code#
Bible School Code#
Ordered by:
Ordered by:
Phone #1
Phone #1
Phone #2
Phone #2
Phone #1
Phone #1
Phone #2
Phone #2
3. Go to the ABC home page to get the phone number and ask for Customer Service. Call It Is Written at 888.664.5573. Call Voice of Prophecy at 970.622.2999 x5.
3. Go to the ABC home page to get the phone number and ask for Customer Service. Call It Is Written at 888.664.5573. Call Voice of Prophecy at 970.622.2999 x5.
4. Tell Customer Service you would like to open an account.
4. Tell Customer Service you would like to open an account.
5. Customer Service will ask if you want to be billed or if you want to pay at the time of purchase. Each method of payment will require a slightly different set of information in order to open a new account. Depending on frequency and quantity of orders the Customer Service Representative will advise you about the best purchase process to use.
5. Customer Service will ask if you want to be billed or if you want to pay at the time of purchase. Each method of payment will require a slightly different set of information in order to open a new account. Depending on frequency and quantity of orders the Customer Service Representative will advise you about the best purchase process to use.
6. Be sure to ask when opening an account what customer ID# and Bible School code(s) are being assigned to your church.
6. Be sure to ask when opening an account what customer ID# and Bible School code(s) are being assigned to your church.
7. Once the account is open Orders can be placed on line using Pay Pal or Purchase Order. The Customer ID# and Purchase Order # is handy if you need to adjust orders, billings or payments.
7. Once the account is open Orders can be placed on line using Pay Pal or Purchase Order. The Customer ID# and Purchase Order # is handy if you need to adjust orders, billings or payments.
8. NOTE: After the account is open, add the Customer ID# and Bible School Code to the Account worksheet information. Then send a copy of the document to the Storage Manager, Site Coordinator, LM Treasurer and the Church Business Office.
8. NOTE: After the account is open, add the Customer ID# and Bible School Code to the Account worksheet information. Then send a copy of the document to the Storage Manager, Site Coordinator, LM Treasurer and the Church Business Office.
Description - VOP Bible School Codes and the IIW Special Code imprinted on lesson guide are alpha-numeric codes.
Description - VOP Bible School Codes and the IIW Special Code imprinted on lesson guide are alpha-numeric codes.
Purpose - These codes identify the Literature Ministry that will follow up a Bible Study lesson request.
Purpose - These codes identify the Literature Ministry that will follow up a Bible Study lesson request.
Responsibility - The Bible Study Manager.
Responsibility - The Bible Study Manager.
Bible School Codes
Bible School Codes
The Bible School code is how VOP and IIW identify the local church for Bible study lesson request follow-up. The code is printed on all Bible study offer materials with a minimum order quantity.
The Bible School code is how VOP and IIW identify the local church for Bible study lesson request follow-up. The code is printed on all Bible study offer materials with a minimum order quantity.
When you open an account with VOP or IIW, make sure a Bible School Code is part of the account information and that named individuals are granted access to the respective IIW and VOP on-line database.
When you open an account with VOP or IIW, make sure a Bible School Code is part of the account information and that named individuals are granted access to the respective IIW and VOP on-line database.
Voice of Prophecy Discovery Lesson Request Code
Voice of Prophecy Discovery Lesson Request Code
Call VOP at 970.622.2990; Toll free at 877.955.2525 or go on-line at to become a Discover Bible School church with an assigned code and to facilitate printing this code on minimum order quantities of lesson study guides.
Call VOP at 970.622.2990; Toll free at 877.955.2525 or go on-line at to become a Discover Bible School church with an assigned code and to facilitate printing this code on minimum order quantities of lesson study guides.
When the local church is registering as a Discover Bible School (DBS) submit a list of postal zip codes of the church’s ministry area. Also submit the name and contact information of the church’s Bible Study Manager as the Bible School Coordinator and other named persons to be granted access to a student’s record to update lesson progress.
When the local church is registering as a Discover Bible School (DBS) submit a list of postal zip codes of the church’s ministry area. Also submit the name and contact information of the church’s Bible Study Manager as the Bible School Coordinator and other named persons to be granted access to a student’s record to update lesson progress.
It Is Written Lesson Special Code Request
It Is Written Lesson Special Code Request
Call It Is Written at 844.974.8836 to request a Lesson Special Code to be printed on the IIW study guides and enrollment cards. If the quantity ordered is small, the local church can rubber stamp the cards or affix a label.
Call It Is Written at 844.974.8836 to request a Lesson Special Code to be printed on the IIW study guides and enrollment cards. If the quantity ordered is small, the local church can rubber stamp the cards or affix a label.
Imitate the VOP process above.
Imitate the VOP process above.
Description - Place literature orders with SDA literature vendors per the vendors’ order protocols.
Description - Place literature orders with SDA literature vendors per the vendors’ order protocols.
Purpose - Maintain literature inventory levels to support forecasted literature usage.
Purpose - Maintain literature inventory levels to support forecasted literature usage.
Responsibility - The Literature Storage Manager.
Responsibility - The Literature Storage Manager.
ABC (Pacific Press): learn how to prepare an order; take delivery from carriers and place delivered literature on designated literature storage shelf locations. (See Appendices IV, V and VI).
ABC (Pacific Press): learn how to prepare an order; take delivery from carriers and place delivered literature on designated literature storage shelf locations. (See Appendices IV, V and VI).
It Is Written (IIW): Orders may be placed by: calling (888) 664-5573 or go on-line at or mail orders to It Is Written, P.O. Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401-9976. Bible lesson guides are paid by LM check in the amount of the IIW billing invoice or by personal credit card. A receipt is required by the Church Business Office and the LM Treasurer who authorizes reimbursement. Receive shipments at your home address.
It Is Written (IIW): Orders may be placed by: calling (888) 664-5573 or go on-line at or mail orders to It Is Written, P.O. Box 6, Chattanooga, TN 37401-9976. Bible lesson guides are paid by LM check in the amount of the IIW billing invoice or by personal credit card. A receipt is required by the Church Business Office and the LM Treasurer who authorizes reimbursement. Receive shipments at your home address.
1. Place minimum orders for:
1. Place minimum orders for:
a. English IIW Lesson #1: lots of 5,000 to get preprinted Church code.
a. English IIW Lesson #1: lots of 5,000 to get preprinted Church code.
b. English IIW Enrollment Cards: lots of 1,000 to get preprinted Church code.
b. English IIW Enrollment Cards: lots of 1,000 to get preprinted Church code.
c. Spanish IIW Lesson #1: lots of 1,000 to get preprinted Church code.
c. Spanish IIW Lesson #1: lots of 1,000 to get preprinted Church code.
Voice of Prophecy (VOP): Orders can be placed by: calling (970) 622.2994 or email or mail orders to “The Voice of Prophecy Bible School,” P. O. Box 999, Loveland, CO 80539. Bible lesson guides are paid by LM check in the amount of the VOP billing invoice or by personal credit card. A receipt is required by the Church Business Office and the LM Treasurer who authorizes reimbursement. Receive shipments at your home address.
Voice of Prophecy (VOP): Orders can be placed by: calling (970) 622.2994 or email or mail orders to “The Voice of Prophecy Bible School,” P. O. Box 999, Loveland, CO 80539. Bible lesson guides are paid by LM check in the amount of the VOP billing invoice or by personal credit card. A receipt is required by the Church Business Office and the LM Treasurer who authorizes reimbursement. Receive shipments at your home address.
1. Place minimum orders for:
1. Place minimum orders for:
a. VOP Discover Guide Lesson #1: lots of 5,000 to get preprinted Church code.
a. VOP Discover Guide Lesson #1: lots of 5,000 to get preprinted Church code.
b. VOP Enrollment Cards: lots of 1,000 to 2,000 to get preprinted Church code.
b. VOP Enrollment Cards: lots of 1,000 to 2,000 to get preprinted Church code.
Certain categories of literature are ordered by quantity but delivered by the case. When Pacific Press gets enough requested quantities for a topic they do a print run. As printed copies come off the press, copies are packaged by the case. Thus quantities should be ordered by the case, which saves labor and reduces cost. For example, an Order for 200 copies of Bible Answers will be delivered in 2 cases.
Certain categories of literature are ordered by quantity but delivered by the case. When Pacific Press gets enough requested quantities for a topic they do a print run. As printed copies come off the press, copies are packaged by the case. Thus quantities should be ordered by the case, which saves labor and reduces cost. For example, an Order for 200 copies of Bible Answers will be delivered in 2 cases.
Item Requested Qty/Case
Item Requested Qty/Case
Bible Answers (100)
Bible Answers (100)
Steps to Christ (100)
Steps to Christ (100)
Great Hope (200)
Great Hope (200)
Keys to Happiness (100)
Keys to Happiness (100)
Your Turn (100)
Your Turn (100)
Healing Power of Love (100)
Healing Power of Love (100)
Time for Peace (100)
Time for Peace (100)
Messiah (100)
Messiah (100)
1. You Can Kick the Habit (Smoking)— 25/pack. Order multiples of 25 only.
1. You Can Kick the Habit (Smoking)— 25/pack. Order multiples of 25 only.
2. Monthly Medium (size) Signs of the Times — a new monthly medium Signs is dated with the month and year. Order by the quantity desired. Example: 50, 100, 150, etc. These are available generally for one to ten months depending on the quantity printed and how fast they move.
2. Monthly Medium (size) Signs of the Times — a new monthly medium Signs is dated with the month and year. Order by the quantity desired. Example: 50, 100, 150, etc. These are available generally for one to ten months depending on the quantity printed and how fast they move.
3. Spanish Medium and Large Signs: The same as everything else. Order by the quantity desired in even numbers. Example: 50, 100, 125, 500, 750, 1,000, etc
3. Spanish Medium and Large Signs: The same as everything else. Order by the quantity desired in even numbers. Example: 50, 100, 125, 500, 750, 1,000, etc
The Pacific Press starts camp meeting orders about March 15 and ends around June 30. Order extra literature from the ABC by March 1 to minimize the risk of running out of literature during these months.
The Pacific Press starts camp meeting orders about March 15 and ends around June 30. Order extra literature from the ABC by March 1 to minimize the risk of running out of literature during these months.
1. Some people are ready to know about Jesus and His word IMMEDIATELY! IIW and VOP respond to Bible Study requests within a week to 3 months. That is why lessons and enrollment cards are always placed in the top carousel pockets at eye level!
1. Some people are ready to know about Jesus and His word IMMEDIATELY! IIW and VOP respond to Bible Study requests within a week to 3 months. That is why lessons and enrollment cards are always placed in the top carousel pockets at eye level!
2. Some people respond in an INTERMEDIATE period of 4 months to 2 years.
2. Some people respond in an INTERMEDIATE period of 4 months to 2 years.
3. Others are LONG TERM Holy Spirit projects:
3. Others are LONG TERM Holy Spirit projects:
“More than one thousand will soon be converted in one day, most of whom will trace their first convictions to the reading of our publications.” CM 151
“More than one thousand will soon be converted in one day, most of whom will trace their first convictions to the reading of our publications.” CM 151
Description - Prepare ABC, IIW and VOP Literature Ministry orders.
Description - Prepare ABC, IIW and VOP Literature Ministry orders.
Purpose - Maintain sufficient levels of SDA Standard Literature List topics and Bible Study lessons to support the literature usage forecast.
Purpose - Maintain sufficient levels of SDA Standard Literature List topics and Bible Study lessons to support the literature usage forecast.
Responsibility - The Literature Storage Manager.
Responsibility - The Literature Storage Manager.
The Literature Storage Manager and the Site Coordinator collaborate to prepare and submit literature orders to the ABC for Pacific Press items. Enrollment Lesson #1, enrollment request cards and Bible study lesson sets are ordered directly from IIW and VOP. The rate of usage for each title and average lead time for delivery determines when the next order should be made.
The Literature Storage Manager and the Site Coordinator collaborate to prepare and submit literature orders to the ABC for Pacific Press items. Enrollment Lesson #1, enrollment request cards and Bible study lesson sets are ordered directly from IIW and VOP. The rate of usage for each title and average lead time for delivery determines when the next order should be made.
The Order Preparation starts with:
The Order Preparation starts with:
1. Create a Master Inventory List Worksheet. Take inventory one shelf at a time, starting at the left end. Each Literature Storage shelf space corresponds to a literature carousel pocket and its assigned literature title.
1. Create a Master Inventory List Worksheet. Take inventory one shelf at a time, starting at the left end. Each Literature Storage shelf space corresponds to a literature carousel pocket and its assigned literature title.
2. Record Titles for each shelf space on the Master Inventory Worksheet. There are 4 shelves (A, B, C and D) with 7 spaces/shelves. Separately list Surplus Titles below the shelf listings to complete the Master Inventory List Worksheet.
2. Record Titles for each shelf space on the Master Inventory Worksheet. There are 4 shelves (A, B, C and D) with 7 spaces/shelves. Separately list Surplus Titles below the shelf listings to complete the Master Inventory List Worksheet.
3. Order a case of literature for each shelf space that does not have an unopened case behind the open case.
3. Order a case of literature for each shelf space that does not have an unopened case behind the open case.
4. Write on the worksheet the estimated order quantity for each large Signs magazine topic, IIW, and VOP 1st lessons necessary to maintain inventory’s sets of lessons and their respective enrollment cards.
4. Write on the worksheet the estimated order quantity for each large Signs magazine topic, IIW, and VOP 1st lessons necessary to maintain inventory’s sets of lessons and their respective enrollment cards.
5. Record estimated quantities by title for IIW, and VOP items and enrollment cards on the Master Inventory Worksheet.
5. Record estimated quantities by title for IIW, and VOP items and enrollment cards on the Master Inventory Worksheet.
6. Order literature categories based on the estimated quantities needed divided by the publisher’s prepackaged case quantity to determine how many cases should be ordered. (See Appendix III and Exhibit VI).
6. Order literature categories based on the estimated quantities needed divided by the publisher’s prepackaged case quantity to determine how many cases should be ordered. (See Appendix III and Exhibit VI).
7. Individual topic orders are based on estimated order quantities of the Worksheet.
7. Individual topic orders are based on estimated order quantities of the Worksheet.
8. Monitor and revise the Master Inventory List worksheet to match the publisher’s catalog of topics in stock. The ABC will know the current Pacific Press catalog of literature.
8. Monitor and revise the Master Inventory List worksheet to match the publisher’s catalog of topics in stock. The ABC will know the current Pacific Press catalog of literature.
9. Follow this process for the large Signs and medium Special Issue editions from the ABC.
9. Follow this process for the large Signs and medium Special Issue editions from the ABC.
10.Follow this process when ordering from IIW and VOP.
10.Follow this process when ordering from IIW and VOP.
11. Draft an ABC, IIW, or VOP Order request and send it to the Literature Ministry Treasurer who will collaborate with the Church Business Office Administrator to get a Purchase Order number and place the Purchase Order.
11. Draft an ABC, IIW, or VOP Order request and send it to the Literature Ministry Treasurer who will collaborate with the Church Business Office Administrator to get a Purchase Order number and place the Purchase Order.
12. The Church Business Office submits the Purchase Order to the ABC, IIW, or VOP subject to final approval by the LM Treasurer.
12. The Church Business Office submits the Purchase Order to the ABC, IIW, or VOP subject to final approval by the LM Treasurer.
13. The Church Business Office shall copy the issued Purchase Order to the LM Treasurer, and the Literature Storage Manager.
13. The Church Business Office shall copy the issued Purchase Order to the LM Treasurer, and the Literature Storage Manager.
Description - Verify and accept literature orders delivered by freight carriers.
Description - Verify and accept literature orders delivered by freight carriers.
Purpose - Take delivery from SDA literature vendors.
Purpose - Take delivery from SDA literature vendors.
Responsibility - The Literature Storage Manager or delegated Assistant.
Responsibility - The Literature Storage Manager or delegated Assistant.
1. Pacific Press Orders through the ABC: allow three days by USPS for the LM’s first Purchase Order to arrive at the ABC or the same hour if submitted by email. Then call your assigned Customer Service Representative at the ABC. The purpose of the phone call is to:
1. Pacific Press Orders through the ABC: allow three days by USPS for the LM’s first Purchase Order to arrive at the ABC or the same hour if submitted by email. Then call your assigned Customer Service Representative at the ABC. The purpose of the phone call is to:
a. Identify yourself by name with the Church’s name and Purchase Order;
a. Identify yourself by name with the Church’s name and Purchase Order;
b. Ask for the Order’s shipping date;
b. Ask for the Order’s shipping date;
c. Ask for the name of the freight carrier used and the estimated arrival date at the local freight annex.
c. Ask for the name of the freight carrier used and the estimated arrival date at the local freight annex.
d. Ask for the tracking number, record it in your notes, thank the representative and close.
d. Ask for the tracking number, record it in your notes, thank the representative and close.
2. Call the {Name} Freight Company {Phone number} and ask for the customer service representative. The purpose of the phone call is to:
2. Call the {Name} Freight Company {Phone number} and ask for the customer service representative. The purpose of the phone call is to:
a. See if they will give you the day and hour time frame for delivery. If it doesn’t fit your schedule to receive the shipment, arrange for a mutually acceptable time to deliver the order.
a. See if they will give you the day and hour time frame for delivery. If it doesn’t fit your schedule to receive the shipment, arrange for a mutually acceptable time to deliver the order.
b. Request that the dispatcher have the delivery truck driver call the Literature Storage Manager {Name and Phone number} or designated Assistant about thirty (30) minutes prior to arrival at the literature storage location {Street address, City and Zip Code} so the driver does not have to wait. Tell the dispatcher that you want to save the freight company time and money by keeping the delivery process quick and within ten minutes.
b. Request that the dispatcher have the delivery truck driver call the Literature Storage Manager {Name and Phone number} or designated Assistant about thirty (30) minutes prior to arrival at the literature storage location {Street address, City and Zip Code} so the driver does not have to wait. Tell the dispatcher that you want to save the freight company time and money by keeping the delivery process quick and within ten minutes.
1. Before signing the “Bill of Lading,” aka “Packing Slip” to acknowledge receipt and acceptance of a delivery, MAKE SURE that the number of pallets is correct and each pallet is wrapped with heavy plastic and has not been tampered with. Be sure there are no tears in the wrapping or loose wrapping to indicate possible missing cases of literature.
1. Before signing the “Bill of Lading,” aka “Packing Slip” to acknowledge receipt and acceptance of a delivery, MAKE SURE that the number of pallets is correct and each pallet is wrapped with heavy plastic and has not been tampered with. Be sure there are no tears in the wrapping or loose wrapping to indicate possible missing cases of literature.
2. Sign the “Bill of Lading,” aka “Packing Slip” to acknowledge acceptance of delivery.
2. Sign the “Bill of Lading,” aka “Packing Slip” to acknowledge acceptance of delivery.
3. Ask for a copy of the signed Packing Slip. This will be used to validate ABC, IIW and VOP literature purchase orders when literature is placed on its assigned inventory shelf space.
3. Ask for a copy of the signed Packing Slip. This will be used to validate ABC, IIW and VOP literature purchase orders when literature is placed on its assigned inventory shelf space.
4. Have the driver place the pallet(s) inside the garage about four (4) inches from the inside of the garage door.
4. Have the driver place the pallet(s) inside the garage about four (4) inches from the inside of the garage door.
5. Close and lock the Literature Storage doors and leave.
5. Close and lock the Literature Storage doors and leave.
Description - Relocate literature from carrier pallets to assigned spaces on inventory storage shelves.
Description - Relocate literature from carrier pallets to assigned spaces on inventory storage shelves.
Purpose - Replenish literature inventory for Literature Ministry usage.
Purpose - Replenish literature inventory for Literature Ministry usage.
Responsibility - The Literature Storage Manager.
Responsibility - The Literature Storage Manager.
Carrier delivery and LM acceptance of orders results in literature left on pallets just inside the storage facility’s door. Replenishment of Inventory occurs when literature is removed from pallets and placed on its assigned inventory shelf location. This process validates literature delivered, replenishes inventory and discovers any delivery discrepancies to be resolved with a vendor.
Carrier delivery and LM acceptance of orders results in literature left on pallets just inside the storage facility’s door. Replenishment of Inventory occurs when literature is removed from pallets and placed on its assigned inventory shelf location. This process validates literature delivered, replenishes inventory and discovers any delivery discrepancies to be resolved with a vendor.
1. Determine a convenient time for you to meet with an Assistant at the literature storage facility to unpack and validate literature items delivered. (This task may be assigned to Assistants.)
1. Determine a convenient time for you to meet with an Assistant at the literature storage facility to unpack and validate literature items delivered. (This task may be assigned to Assistants.)
2. Look for a large brown envelope which contains the “Bill of Lading,” aka “Packing Slip”. It lists the boxes and cases of literature delivered.
2. Look for a large brown envelope which contains the “Bill of Lading,” aka “Packing Slip”. It lists the boxes and cases of literature delivered.
3. Place the Packing Slip and the literature Purchase Order on the clipboard provided.
3. Place the Packing Slip and the literature Purchase Order on the clipboard provided.
4. Have an assistant open one box or case at a time and show you the label on each box or case:
4. Have an assistant open one box or case at a time and show you the label on each box or case:
a. Compare the Purchase Order topics and case quantities to the Packing Slip topics and case quantities actually delivered. If they are the same, then validate it with a check mark.
a. Compare the Purchase Order topics and case quantities to the Packing Slip topics and case quantities actually delivered. If they are the same, then validate it with a check mark.
b. Repeat until the entire order is validated.
b. Repeat until the entire order is validated.
5. Keep the Packing Slip (Bill of Lading) until the Church Business Office emails a copy of the ABC Billing Invoice to you to verify the Billing invoice’s accuracy.
5. Keep the Packing Slip (Bill of Lading) until the Church Business Office emails a copy of the ABC Billing Invoice to you to verify the Billing invoice’s accuracy.
1. After the validation task is completed, use the Inventory Log to record each title and its quantity before it is placed on an inventory shelf.
1. After the validation task is completed, use the Inventory Log to record each title and its quantity before it is placed on an inventory shelf.
2. Place each literature title on its designated inventory shelf space location.
2. Place each literature title on its designated inventory shelf space location.
1. Label each opened case (its top removed) of large and medium Signs and place it on its assigned shelf space. The shelf space label is a literature sample clipped to the front of the open case to indicate its contents.
1. Label each opened case (its top removed) of large and medium Signs and place it on its assigned shelf space. The shelf space label is a literature sample clipped to the front of the open case to indicate its contents.
2. A second unopened case is placed behind the opened case with its label facing outward.
2. A second unopened case is placed behind the opened case with its label facing outward.
3. Surplus Special Issue Signs and other literature are kept in a storage area set aside for surplus literature.
3. Surplus Special Issue Signs and other literature are kept in a storage area set aside for surplus literature.
1. Notify the ABC, IIW or VOP customer service representative immediately IF there is any discrepancy related to topic, quantity, unit cost or prices. This is a rare event.
1. Notify the ABC, IIW or VOP customer service representative immediately IF there is any discrepancy related to topic, quantity, unit cost or prices. This is a rare event.
a. State the discrepancy.
a. State the discrepancy.
b. Document the resolution agreement. A future billing adjustment may be the best resolution.
b. Document the resolution agreement. A future billing adjustment may be the best resolution.
1. Keep the empty pallet(s) until the next order arrives, then give the pallet(s) to the freight driver.
1. Keep the empty pallet(s) until the next order arrives, then give the pallet(s) to the freight driver.
Description - Maintain adequate levels of literature and Bible study lessons from the Standard Literature List and the IIW and VOP ministries; use a Master Inventory List and a Master Inventory Log and report monthly to the LMC.
Description - Maintain adequate levels of literature and Bible study lessons from the Standard Literature List and the IIW and VOP ministries; use a Master Inventory List and a Master Inventory Log and report monthly to the LMC.
Purpose - Ensure the LM team has an uninterrupted supply of literature and Bible study lessons.
Purpose - Ensure the LM team has an uninterrupted supply of literature and Bible study lessons.
Responsibility - The Literature Storage Manager.
Responsibility - The Literature Storage Manager.
Inventory Management simply means not running out of anything, especially the fast-moving items, while at the same time avoiding overstocking slow-moving items that tie up finances unnecessarily.
Inventory Management simply means not running out of anything, especially the fast-moving items, while at the same time avoiding overstocking slow-moving items that tie up finances unnecessarily.
Inventory Management is facilitated by keeping a Master Inventory List used to identify all literature available in the LM inventory and Inventory Log to account for literature usage by Site LM partners or outreach ministries and literature added to replenish inventory.
Inventory Management is facilitated by keeping a Master Inventory List used to identify all literature available in the LM inventory and Inventory Log to account for literature usage by Site LM partners or outreach ministries and literature added to replenish inventory.
The Inventory Log documents literature added and removed from inventory and thereby offers a record of accountability for literature ordered by outreach ministries and LM partners. It helps the Literature Storage Manager gauge usage rates of inventoried items, literature inventory levels, establish reorder points for inventoried items and reduce overstocking of slow moving items.
The Inventory Log documents literature added and removed from inventory and thereby offers a record of accountability for literature ordered by outreach ministries and LM partners. It helps the Literature Storage Manager gauge usage rates of inventoried items, literature inventory levels, establish reorder points for inventoried items and reduce overstocking of slow moving items.
Time and experience performing inventory management will teach you when to order items and quantities to maintain adequate levels of inventoried literature.
Time and experience performing inventory management will teach you when to order items and quantities to maintain adequate levels of inventoried literature.
Reorder points will be different for each literature title and type of Bible Study offer. Start your next literature order list as you monitor the various reorder points.
Reorder points will be different for each literature title and type of Bible Study offer. Start your next literature order list as you monitor the various reorder points.
What does a reorder point look like? Most literature shelf spaces will have two cases (boxes) of literature, a labeled open case of literature in front of a closed case behind it. When it becomes necessary to open the second case it is time to order another case of literature. Bundled large Signs magazines, small books, Bible study lesson guides and enrollment card usage require a different method of monitoring.
What does a reorder point look like? Most literature shelf spaces will have two cases (boxes) of literature, a labeled open case of literature in front of a closed case behind it. When it becomes necessary to open the second case it is time to order another case of literature. Bundled large Signs magazines, small books, Bible study lesson guides and enrollment card usage require a different method of monitoring.
These are management tools and methods that help to ensure the LM team has an uninterrupted supply of literature and aid in the operation and management of the Literature Inventory and its Storage Facility.
These are management tools and methods that help to ensure the LM team has an uninterrupted supply of literature and aid in the operation and management of the Literature Inventory and its Storage Facility.
New Literature Ministries will consider selecting and purchasing literature from the Standard Literature List. (See Exhibit IV).
New Literature Ministries will consider selecting and purchasing literature from the Standard Literature List. (See Exhibit IV).
In 2019 the Loma Linda University Church through its Literature Ministry partners purchased and placed in literature carousels and racks nearly 200,000 pieces of literature and Bible study materials. Use of the Standard Literature List is a cost effective way to purchase literature published by Pacific Press through the ABCs.
In 2019 the Loma Linda University Church through its Literature Ministry partners purchased and placed in literature carousels and racks nearly 200,000 pieces of literature and Bible study materials. Use of the Standard Literature List is a cost effective way to purchase literature published by Pacific Press through the ABCs.
Bible Study Materials are purchased directly from the IIW and VOP ministries.
Bible Study Materials are purchased directly from the IIW and VOP ministries.
Description - Sequence the literature topics located on storage facility shelves to correspond to the sides and row pockets of the literature carousel.
Description - Sequence the literature topics located on storage facility shelves to correspond to the sides and row pockets of the literature carousel.
Purpose - To minimize the time spent to service literature carousels and racks.
Purpose - To minimize the time spent to service literature carousels and racks.
Responsibility - The Literature Storage Manager and Site Coordinator.
Responsibility - The Literature Storage Manager and Site Coordinator.
Literature Storage shelves and Carousel side pockets are set up in a corresponding sequential manner to minimize the time spent by the Site Distributors and Coordinators to keep the literature carousels filled with literature.
Literature Storage shelves and Carousel side pockets are set up in a corresponding sequential manner to minimize the time spent by the Site Distributors and Coordinators to keep the literature carousels filled with literature.
The Literature Carousel for lobby areas is a 4 sided display of rotating literature. Each side has 3 tiers or rows of 2 pockets each plus a 4th row pocket for a standard (large) sized Signs magazine. Seven (7) different topics can be browsed per side as the carousel is rotated for a combined total of 28 pieces of literature (books, magazines, the IIW and VOP Bible Study lesson #1 and enrollment cards). This carousel is capped with a colorful “Free! Take One” sign that displays the logos of the local church’s Literature Ministry and the sponsoring organization as applicable. (See Exhibit II).
The Literature Carousel for lobby areas is a 4 sided display of rotating literature. Each side has 3 tiers or rows of 2 pockets each plus a 4th row pocket for a standard (large) sized Signs magazine. Seven (7) different topics can be browsed per side as the carousel is rotated for a combined total of 28 pieces of literature (books, magazines, the IIW and VOP Bible Study lesson #1 and enrollment cards). This carousel is capped with a colorful “Free! Take One” sign that displays the logos of the local church’s Literature Ministry and the sponsoring organization as applicable. (See Exhibit II).
Literature Carousel Setup: Side “A” of the Literature Carousel is dedicated to display Spanish literature. Sides “B”, “C” and “D” are dedicated to display English literature. Each side has 7 pockets for literature. The top tier has two (2) pockets numbered “1” and “2” from left to right. Likewise, the 2nd and 3rd tier pockets are numbered “3” and “4” and “5” and “6” from left to right. These pockets are made for medium size magazines, health pamphlets and small books. The 4th tier has “1” pocket for the display of a standard size (large) Signs magazine. The 4 sided 8 pocket carousel for waiting areas is organized and stocked similarly.
Literature Carousel Setup: Side “A” of the Literature Carousel is dedicated to display Spanish literature. Sides “B”, “C” and “D” are dedicated to display English literature. Each side has 7 pockets for literature. The top tier has two (2) pockets numbered “1” and “2” from left to right. Likewise, the 2nd and 3rd tier pockets are numbered “3” and “4” and “5” and “6” from left to right. These pockets are made for medium size magazines, health pamphlets and small books. The 4th tier has “1” pocket for the display of a standard size (large) Signs magazine. The 4 sided 8 pocket carousel for waiting areas is organized and stocked similarly.
Refill Form, aka Count Sheet is created and emailed by the Site Coordinator to the Site Distributors. It lists literature to be displayed in the row pockets of each Side. Side “A” pockets are numbered “A1” to “A7”. Sides “B”, “C” and “D” are similarly numbered “B1” to “B7”, “C1” to “C7”, ”D1” to “D7”.
Refill Form, aka Count Sheet is created and emailed by the Site Coordinator to the Site Distributors. It lists literature to be displayed in the row pockets of each Side. Side “A” pockets are numbered “A1” to “A7”. Sides “B”, “C” and “D” are similarly numbered “B1” to “B7”, “C1” to “C7”, ”D1” to “D7”.
Storage Facility Setup: The location where the literature inventory is stored has 3 side by side shelving units 6 feet tall x 3 feet wide x 1 ½ feet deep. There are 5 shelves per unit. The top shelf is too high for normal access and is used for miscellaneous purposes. The 4 shelves below the top shelf correspond to the carousel’s 4 sides: “A”, “B”, “C” and “D”. Each shelf has 7 spaces that correspond to the 7 side pockets of each carousel side.
Storage Facility Setup: The location where the literature inventory is stored has 3 side by side shelving units 6 feet tall x 3 feet wide x 1 ½ feet deep. There are 5 shelves per unit. The top shelf is too high for normal access and is used for miscellaneous purposes. The 4 shelves below the top shelf correspond to the carousel’s 4 sides: “A”, “B”, “C” and “D”. Each shelf has 7 spaces that correspond to the 7 side pockets of each carousel side.
The 1st box of literature on the left end of shelf “A” corresponds to carousel Side A’s “A1” literature pocket and to the Refill/Count Sheet line “A1”. Shelf A’s spaces are assigned from left to right, space “A1 to A7” and correlate with the carousel pockets “A1”…”A7”. The large single pocket at the bottom is carousel pocket “A7”.
The 1st box of literature on the left end of shelf “A” corresponds to carousel Side A’s “A1” literature pocket and to the Refill/Count Sheet line “A1”. Shelf A’s spaces are assigned from left to right, space “A1 to A7” and correlate with the carousel pockets “A1”…”A7”. The large single pocket at the bottom is carousel pocket “A7”.
Similarly, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th shelves correspond with sides “B”, “C” and “D”. This is an efficient way to find inventoried literature, to refill carousel pockets and to record the usage quantities of each literature title on the Count Sheet.
Similarly, the 2nd, 3rd and 4th shelves correspond with sides “B”, “C” and “D”. This is an efficient way to find inventoried literature, to refill carousel pockets and to record the usage quantities of each literature title on the Count Sheet.
Literature Distributors may want to buy 4 plastic bins (1 each for sides A, B, C and D) and stack them and strap them by a bungee cord to a travel luggage dolly to facilitate the transport of literature from the inventory storage area to multiple carousel locations. Bins serve as a mobile personal inventory that can be kept in your vehicle so that fewer trips need to be made to the inventory storage area.
Literature Distributors may want to buy 4 plastic bins (1 each for sides A, B, C and D) and stack them and strap them by a bungee cord to a travel luggage dolly to facilitate the transport of literature from the inventory storage area to multiple carousel locations. Bins serve as a mobile personal inventory that can be kept in your vehicle so that fewer trips need to be made to the inventory storage area.
Other Distributors prefer to go to the carousel(s) first and write lightly on a Refill/Count Sheet the quantities needed to refill each literature carousel title. Then they go to the inventory storage area to get the needed quantities of literature and use a rolling cart or a tray to transport the needed literature to a carousel or rack.
Other Distributors prefer to go to the carousel(s) first and write lightly on a Refill/Count Sheet the quantities needed to refill each literature carousel title. Then they go to the inventory storage area to get the needed quantities of literature and use a rolling cart or a tray to transport the needed literature to a carousel or rack.
Fill every pocket to capacity BUT don’t overfill. If you can’t get your fingernails between the metal and the literature, it is overfilled. As always, use a method that works best for you.
Fill every pocket to capacity BUT don’t overfill. If you can’t get your fingernails between the metal and the literature, it is overfilled. As always, use a method that works best for you.
Description - Uniformly apply the LM display strategy.
Description - Uniformly apply the LM display strategy.
Purpose - To increase literature usage and Bible Study lesson enrollment requests.
Purpose - To increase literature usage and Bible Study lesson enrollment requests.
Responsibility - Site Coordinators and Distributors.
Responsibility - Site Coordinators and Distributors.
Carousels are more than an appealing or neat display of literature, they are instruments of the Holy Spirit! When you look at carousels see them as instruments the Holy Spirit is using to sow the seeds that lead to better health, happiness and being a friend of Jesus; see hundreds, then thousands of pieces of literature being replenished in carousels each month by scores of LM volunteers in North America, trying to keep up with the demand the Holy Spirit creates daily; and see the thousands of divine appointments where the Holy Spirit uses literature and Bible studies to introduce people to Jesus as Creator, Redeemer and Friend, and to the hope of eternal life with Him.
Carousels are more than an appealing or neat display of literature, they are instruments of the Holy Spirit! When you look at carousels see them as instruments the Holy Spirit is using to sow the seeds that lead to better health, happiness and being a friend of Jesus; see hundreds, then thousands of pieces of literature being replenished in carousels each month by scores of LM volunteers in North America, trying to keep up with the demand the Holy Spirit creates daily; and see the thousands of divine appointments where the Holy Spirit uses literature and Bible studies to introduce people to Jesus as Creator, Redeemer and Friend, and to the hope of eternal life with Him.
1. Display Strategies
1. Display Strategies
a. Display IIW and VOP Lesson #1 Bible Study offers and enrollment cards in the top two (2) pockets on each English carousel side. The Spanish side of the carousel alternates quarterly between the IIW and VOP Bible study offers.
a. Display IIW and VOP Lesson #1 Bible Study offers and enrollment cards in the top two (2) pockets on each English carousel side. The Spanish side of the carousel alternates quarterly between the IIW and VOP Bible study offers.
i. Use Side ‘A’ of the carousel for Spanish literature, if applicable.
i. Use Side ‘A’ of the carousel for Spanish literature, if applicable.
b. NEVER have two or more of the same items displayed in the entire carousel except when there are not enough large Signs in inventory.
b. NEVER have two or more of the same items displayed in the entire carousel except when there are not enough large Signs in inventory.
c. Keep each side of the carousel colorful and interesting. Do not put cover pages side by side with the same dominant color i.e., two similar colors, two women, or two men.
c. Keep each side of the carousel colorful and interesting. Do not put cover pages side by side with the same dominant color i.e., two similar colors, two women, or two men.
d. Avoid empty pockets.
d. Avoid empty pockets.
e. Small DA, COL, and GC books are relatively expensive to support. Stay with SC or the small Bible Answers paperback book which can share a display pocket.
e. Small DA, COL, and GC books are relatively expensive to support. Stay with SC or the small Bible Answers paperback book which can share a display pocket.
f. Remove and discard all literature which doesn’t belong in the carousel.
f. Remove and discard all literature which doesn’t belong in the carousel.
2. Floor Carousel for lobbies: 28 Pockets, 5 Feet High (Wire)
2. Floor Carousel for lobbies: 28 Pockets, 5 Feet High (Wire)
a. For display and setup information see Appendices VIII and IX; Exhibit II.
a. For display and setup information see Appendices VIII and IX; Exhibit II.
b. Bundle the large Signs in packs at the literature storage facility. There are 18 different titles of large Signs. Hopefully, you will order all of them.
b. Bundle the large Signs in packs at the literature storage facility. There are 18 different titles of large Signs. Hopefully, you will order all of them.
i. To bundle the large Signs magazines, place 9 stacks of titles in a row and the remaining 9 stacks of titles behind the first row. With your right hand, pick up the first large Signs and place it on your left hand and arm, then pick up the next Signs from the stack behind. Repeat this operation until all Signs have been selected to create a bundled set. Place an elastic band around the center and place the bundled sets in cardboard boxes.
i. To bundle the large Signs magazines, place 9 stacks of titles in a row and the remaining 9 stacks of titles behind the first row. With your right hand, pick up the first large Signs and place it on your left hand and arm, then pick up the next Signs from the stack behind. Repeat this operation until all Signs have been selected to create a bundled set. Place an elastic band around the center and place the bundled sets in cardboard boxes.
ii. Now you have 18 different Signs in a bundle. The distributor removes the elastic band just before refilling the carousel’s largest pockets reserved for the large Signs. As soon as someone removes a large Signs, a new color and title appears. Thus the rack appearance changes with every large Signs magazine taken. Very important: Be sure all four Large Signs pockets have different titles visible.
ii. Now you have 18 different Signs in a bundle. The distributor removes the elastic band just before refilling the carousel’s largest pockets reserved for the large Signs. As soon as someone removes a large Signs, a new color and title appears. Thus the rack appearance changes with every large Signs magazine taken. Very important: Be sure all four Large Signs pockets have different titles visible.
3. Mini-Carousel for waiting areas: 8-Pocket, 2.5 Feet High (Wire)
3. Mini-Carousel for waiting areas: 8-Pocket, 2.5 Feet High (Wire)
a. If Spanish items are not used, place the following items in the four top pockets:
a. If Spanish items are not used, place the following items in the four top pockets:
i. VOP Discovery Lesson #1
i. VOP Discovery Lesson #1
ii. VOP Large Enrollment Card (5 3/8” x 8 1/4”)
ii. VOP Large Enrollment Card (5 3/8” x 8 1/4”)
iii. IIW Lesson #1
iii. IIW Lesson #1
iv. IIW Enrollment Card
iv. IIW Enrollment Card
b. Bottom four pockets: (Recommend)
b. Bottom four pockets: (Recommend)
i. Bible Answers
i. Bible Answers
ii. Steps to Christ
ii. Steps to Christ
iii. Keys to Happiness
iii. Keys to Happiness
iv. Medium Signs (Alternate: Great Hope and other medium Signs.)
iv. Medium Signs (Alternate: Great Hope and other medium Signs.)
4. Single Display Rack for desk tops: 1 Pocket, 11 Inches High (Plexiglas)
4. Single Display Rack for desk tops: 1 Pocket, 11 Inches High (Plexiglas)
a. Alternate quarterly between VOP and IIW lessons
a. Alternate quarterly between VOP and IIW lessons
i. Why? Eighty percent (80%) of most health and medical office patients have follow-up visits.
i. Why? Eighty percent (80%) of most health and medical office patients have follow-up visits.
b. Use VOP Discover Lesson #1 for the first three months.
b. Use VOP Discover Lesson #1 for the first three months.
c. At end of three months remove and replace it with IIW Lesson #1 for the next three months. Keep alternating every three months thereafter.
c. At end of three months remove and replace it with IIW Lesson #1 for the next three months. Keep alternating every three months thereafter.
Sample Documents (Exhibits)
Sample Documents (Exhibits)
Exhibit I - Literature Ministry Committee Agenda
Exhibit I - Literature Ministry Committee Agenda
Exhibit II - Carousel Rack Picture
Exhibit II - Carousel Rack Picture
Exhibit III - Site Authorization Agreement
Exhibit III - Site Authorization Agreement
Exhibit IV - Standard Literature List
Exhibit IV - Standard Literature List
Exhibit V - Orders, Invoices and Funding Flowchart
Exhibit V - Orders, Invoices and Funding Flowchart
Exhibit VI - Adventist Book Center (ABC) Order
Exhibit VI - Adventist Book Center (ABC) Order
Exhibit VII - Distributor Refill Count Sheet *
Exhibit VII - Distributor Refill Count Sheet *
Exhibit VIII - Distributor and Coordinator Report Forms *
Exhibit VIII - Distributor and Coordinator Report Forms *
Exhibit IX - Literature Inventory Requests (Site Coordinator)
Exhibit IX - Literature Inventory Requests (Site Coordinator)
Exhibit X - LM Summary Report (Semi-annual)
Exhibit X - LM Summary Report (Semi-annual)
Exhibit XI - Treasurer’s Financial Activity Report
Exhibit XI - Treasurer’s Financial Activity Report
* Request Excel spreadsheet forms at
Exhibit I
Exhibit I
Month, Day, Year
Month, Day, Year
1. Opening Prayer
1. Opening Prayer
2. Review Minutes of Meeting
2. Review Minutes of Meeting
3. Baptisms
3. Baptisms
4. Special Projects
4. Special Projects
5. LMC Reports
5. LMC Reports
a. Chair
a. Chair
b. Expansion
b. Expansion
c. Bible Study
c. Bible Study
d. Site Coordinator
d. Site Coordinator
e. All Sites Coordinator (if applicable)
e. All Sites Coordinator (if applicable)
f. Site Manager (if applicable)
f. Site Manager (if applicable)
g. Subcommittees: Special Projects
g. Subcommittees: Special Projects
h. Treasurer
h. Treasurer
6. Closing Prayer
6. Closing Prayer
7. Next Meeting: mm/dd/yyyy
7. Next Meeting: mm/dd/yyyy
8. Second Tuesday of each month, Room # at 7:00 p.m.
8. Second Tuesday of each month, Room # at 7:00 p.m.
Carousel Rack Picture
Carousel Rack Picture
Displays at:
Displays at:
Hours Open:
Hours Open:
Business card: (Affix here)
Business card: (Affix here)
Business Card: (Affix here)
Business Card: (Affix here)
Address: Rm.
Address: Rm.
Business Card: (Affix here)
Business Card: (Affix here)
Address: Rm.
Address: Rm.
Business Card: (Affix here)
Business Card: (Affix here)
Position: All Sites Coordinator
Position: All Sites Coordinator
Business card: (Affix here)
Business card: (Affix here)
Position: Expansion Manager
Position: Expansion Manager
Business card: (Affix here)
Business card: (Affix here)
Revised: mm/dd/yyyy AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES
Revised: mm/dd/yyyy AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES
1. Provide a literature carousel display at specified locations and volunteers to stock them with Adventist literature on an as needed basis, daily if necessary.
1. Provide a literature carousel display at specified locations and volunteers to stock them with Adventist literature on an as needed basis, daily if necessary.
2. Provide the literature placed in your Site Facility each month at publisher’s cost to the (Local Church Name).
2. Provide the literature placed in your Site Facility each month at publisher’s cost to the (Local Church Name).
3. Check the area around the literature racks to ensure it is neat and orderly and that the literature display is representative and attractive.
3. Check the area around the literature racks to ensure it is neat and orderly and that the literature display is representative and attractive.
4. Remove unauthorized materials if they appear in the rack.
4. Remove unauthorized materials if they appear in the rack.
5. Record, report and invoice literature placed in literature racks each month.
5. Record, report and invoice literature placed in literature racks each month.
6. Give Bible studies to local residents who request Bible studies.
6. Give Bible studies to local residents who request Bible studies.
7. Ensure out-of-area requests for Bible studies are sent to a responsible person or Bible Correspondence School for follow up.
7. Ensure out-of-area requests for Bible studies are sent to a responsible person or Bible Correspondence School for follow up.
8. Coordinate a baptismal date with a pastor when Bible study students make their decision to be baptized.
8. Coordinate a baptismal date with a pastor when Bible study students make their decision to be baptized.
1. Authorize a literature carousel at specified locations to display Adventist literature to help people discover a caring and loving God along with better health and happiness—now!
1. Authorize a literature carousel at specified locations to display Adventist literature to help people discover a caring and loving God along with better health and happiness—now!
2. Participate with us in open dialogue regarding how the (Local Church Name) Literature Ministry can help your site organization achieve its goal of making people whole mentally, physically and spiritually through literature. Your feedback is invaluable and helps us operate a representative ministry for your site organization, the Adventist Church, and the Great God of Heaven.
2. Participate with us in open dialogue regarding how the (Local Church Name) Literature Ministry can help your site organization achieve its goal of making people whole mentally, physically and spiritually through literature. Your feedback is invaluable and helps us operate a representative ministry for your site organization, the Adventist Church, and the Great God of Heaven.
3. Reimburse the (Local Church Name) Literature Ministry each month for the cost of literature placed in the Site Location(s) identified above. Publisher’s cost rates are passed on to your Site organization.
3. Reimburse the (Local Church Name) Literature Ministry each month for the cost of literature placed in the Site Location(s) identified above. Publisher’s cost rates are passed on to your Site organization.
1. Send reimbursement checks to the Invoice’s letterhead address of the (Local Church Name), payable to (Local Church Name) AND a Memo line to “Literature Ministry” OR its abbreviation, “LM”.
1. Send reimbursement checks to the Invoice’s letterhead address of the (Local Church Name), payable to (Local Church Name) AND a Memo line to “Literature Ministry” OR its abbreviation, “LM”.
2. Include on the reimbursement check:
2. Include on the reimbursement check:
(1) A reference to your Site’s name and
(1) A reference to your Site’s name and
(2) The (Local Church Name, Invoice number). Invoices are payable-net 30 days.
(2) The (Local Church Name, Invoice number). Invoices are payable-net 30 days.
3. The Literature Ministry person identified in the INVOICES section above will answer or clarify any question about invoices and reimbursement payments.
3. The Literature Ministry person identified in the INVOICES section above will answer or clarify any question about invoices and reimbursement payments.
Thank you for teaming with us and God bless you and your staff as we sow Gospel seeds with literature and Bible studies!
Thank you for teaming with us and God bless you and your staff as we sow Gospel seeds with literature and Bible studies!
{SITE name}
{SITE name}
Authorized by Title
Authorized by Title
Print Name Date
Print Name Date
Literature Ministry Committee
Literature Ministry Committee
Authorized by
Authorized by
Print Name
Print Name
Bible Answers
Bible Answers
Christian Atheist Dialogue
Christian Atheist Dialogue
Death; Where Do We Go?
Death; Where Do We Go?
Finding Hope Through Pain
Finding Hope Through Pain
Happiness Digest
Happiness Digest
Kick The Habit
Kick The Habit
Learning To Love
Learning To Love
Martin Luther
Martin Luther
Steps To Christ
Steps To Christ
The Desire of Ages
The Desire of Ages
The Great Hope
The Great Hope
The Healing Power of Love
The Healing Power of Love
The Reason for the Season
The Reason for the Season
Truth About Hell
Truth About Hell
Ama Dios
Ama Dios
El Camino A Cristo
El Camino A Cristo
El Descado de Todos Las (DA)
El Descado de Todos Las (DA)
El Salvador que tu Nessita
El Salvador que tu Nessita
Ministerio de Curacion (MH)
Ministerio de Curacion (MH)