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The Quick Start Guide below is a brief description of a Literature and Bible Study Ministry.
The Quick Start Guide below is a brief description of a Literature and Bible Study Ministry.
Literature Ministry Described
Literature Ministry Described
A Literature and Bible Study Ministry offers free gospel literature and Bible study guides to the public displayed by literature carousels and racks. It is a community outreach ministry that can be implemented by a business, church, dental, educational, health, hospital, law or medical professional. It extends the Gospel mission beyond the hospital bedside, appointments with clients, patients and student classrooms to the quiet time, home, relatives and friends.
A Literature and Bible Study Ministry offers free gospel literature and Bible study guides to the public displayed by literature carousels and racks. It is a community outreach ministry that can be implemented by a business, church, dental, educational, health, hospital, law or medical professional. It extends the Gospel mission beyond the hospital bedside, appointments with clients, patients and student classrooms to the quiet time, home, relatives and friends.
People are searching for better health, crisis support and spiritual growth to learn more about a caring and loving God. It is the Holy Spirit who creates the demand for literature in a community.
People are searching for better health, crisis support and spiritual growth to learn more about a caring and loving God. It is the Holy Spirit who creates the demand for literature in a community.
This is evidenced by the Holy Spirit prompting people to take nearly 200,000 pieces of literature from displays in just one year from Loma Linda University Health, Educational and Community Service facilities.
This is evidenced by the Holy Spirit prompting people to take nearly 200,000 pieces of literature from displays in just one year from Loma Linda University Health, Educational and Community Service facilities.
Steps to Christ and Bible Answers have been the most popular pieces of literature selected. Patients, family and friends living in other states account for nearly half of the Bible Study requests. Literature Ministry has a far-reaching impact for the Gospel even in this age of social media!
Steps to Christ and Bible Answers have been the most popular pieces of literature selected. Patients, family and friends living in other states account for nearly half of the Bible Study requests. Literature Ministry has a far-reaching impact for the Gospel even in this age of social media!
A literature Floor Carousel of twenty-eight pockets is recommended for high traffic lobbies and student lounges. A literature Mini-Carousel of eight pockets is recommended for waiting areas. A literature Plexiglas single display rack is best if only a Bible study offer or special issue of a Signs magazine is desired.
A literature Floor Carousel of twenty-eight pockets is recommended for high traffic lobbies and student lounges. A literature Mini-Carousel of eight pockets is recommended for waiting areas. A literature Plexiglas single display rack is best if only a Bible study offer or special issue of a Signs magazine is desired.
God’s people are described as seed sowers [Mt. 13] who are commissioned to make disciples [Mt. 28].
God’s people are described as seed sowers [Mt. 13] who are commissioned to make disciples [Mt. 28].
“Publications must be multiplied and scattered like the leaves of autumn.” CM5.
“Publications must be multiplied and scattered like the leaves of autumn.” CM5.
“More than one thousand will soon be converted in one day, most of whom will trace their first convictions to the reading of our publications.” CM 5, 151.
“More than one thousand will soon be converted in one day, most of whom will trace their first convictions to the reading of our publications.” CM 5, 151.
This Literature Ministry Guide provides the support needed to design a Literature Ministry for your sphere of influence. Select or adapt from this guide what will be helpful in your situation.
This Literature Ministry Guide provides the support needed to design a Literature Ministry for your sphere of influence. Select or adapt from this guide what will be helpful in your situation.
The Introduction, Preface, and first ten pages of this Literature Ministry Guide cover the core concepts of what you need to know about a Literature and Bible Study Ministry hereinafter Literature Ministry (LM). What follows are timesaving resources that describe how to organize, manage and operate a Literature Ministry.
The Introduction, Preface, and first ten pages of this Literature Ministry Guide cover the core concepts of what you need to know about a Literature and Bible Study Ministry hereinafter Literature Ministry (LM). What follows are timesaving resources that describe how to organize, manage and operate a Literature Ministry.
The Holy Spirit is the active agency of Literature Ministry. Literature Ministry churches provide literature carousels and racks and the volunteers to keep them supplied with literature and to follow up Bible study requests. Literature Ministry site partners authorize literature carousel locations and reimburse Literature Ministries for literature at the publisher’s cost. Together they sow gospel seeds that give rise to spiritual conviction and eternal life with God’s family.
The Holy Spirit is the active agency of Literature Ministry. Literature Ministry churches provide literature carousels and racks and the volunteers to keep them supplied with literature and to follow up Bible study requests. Literature Ministry site partners authorize literature carousel locations and reimburse Literature Ministries for literature at the publisher’s cost. Together they sow gospel seeds that give rise to spiritual conviction and eternal life with God’s family.
It is the Holy Spirit who prompts people to take literature from carousels as they pass through lobbies or wait for an appointment or service by an outreach ministry. Some will choose to enroll in an It Is Written or VOP Bible study lesson series for follow up by a Bible study lesson instructor or an IIW/VOP Bible correspondence school.
It is the Holy Spirit who prompts people to take literature from carousels as they pass through lobbies or wait for an appointment or service by an outreach ministry. Some will choose to enroll in an It Is Written or VOP Bible study lesson series for follow up by a Bible study lesson instructor or an IIW/VOP Bible correspondence school.
It is our prayer for each new Literature Ministry that they discover literature Ministry is a marvelous way to participate in the proclamation of the Three Angels’ messages and witness the Holy Spirit distribute Gospel literature like the leaves of autumn!
It is our prayer for each new Literature Ministry that they discover literature Ministry is a marvelous way to participate in the proclamation of the Three Angels’ messages and witness the Holy Spirit distribute Gospel literature like the leaves of autumn!
In 2019 the Holy Spirit prompted people coming to Loma Linda health facilities and educational campuses to remove nearly 200,000 pieces of literature and Bible study lesson requests from carousels and racks. This happened without any kind of marketing, advertising, or social media blitzes. We simply displayed literature in carousels and located them where people pass through lobbies, lounges, lecture halls, waiting rooms, health and fitness complexes that serve the community and students.
In 2019 the Holy Spirit prompted people coming to Loma Linda health facilities and educational campuses to remove nearly 200,000 pieces of literature and Bible study lesson requests from carousels and racks. This happened without any kind of marketing, advertising, or social media blitzes. We simply displayed literature in carousels and located them where people pass through lobbies, lounges, lecture halls, waiting rooms, health and fitness complexes that serve the community and students.
Loma Linda is unique in that it has a high concentration of university health, medical and dental schools and professional clinics, offices, and community outreach ministries that serve people. We are surprised by how many people thirst for Gospel literature such as Steps to Christ and Bible Answers (the most popular literature) followed by lifestyle and health information, crisis support and Bible study offers.
Loma Linda is unique in that it has a high concentration of university health, medical and dental schools and professional clinics, offices, and community outreach ministries that serve people. We are surprised by how many people thirst for Gospel literature such as Steps to Christ and Bible Answers (the most popular literature) followed by lifestyle and health information, crisis support and Bible study offers.
Your Literature Ministry may not have the number and variety of locations, but if you display literature in a carousel or rack the Holy Spirit will help people discover what they need for their journey to eternal fellowship with Jesus, the Father and His family on earth.
Your Literature Ministry may not have the number and variety of locations, but if you display literature in a carousel or rack the Holy Spirit will help people discover what they need for their journey to eternal fellowship with Jesus, the Father and His family on earth.
We cannot help but wonder if the thousands of pieces of literature distributed each month by the Holt Spirit are a precursor to the Latter Rain! Certainly we are blessed and privileged to be in this time and place! What a joyful thought!
We cannot help but wonder if the thousands of pieces of literature distributed each month by the Holt Spirit are a precursor to the Latter Rain! Certainly we are blessed and privileged to be in this time and place! What a joyful thought!
Please join us in a Literature Ministry appropriate to your sphere of influence. Whatever your type or style of ministry we pray that you too will experience what we have learned: If you are available and committed to team with the Holy Spirit in a Literature Ministry you will witness the extraordinary activity of the Holy Spirit prompt people to select literature from literature displays in unprecedented numbers, even by the tens of thousands if you are a university campus or hospital institution!
Please join us in a Literature Ministry appropriate to your sphere of influence. Whatever your type or style of ministry we pray that you too will experience what we have learned: If you are available and committed to team with the Holy Spirit in a Literature Ministry you will witness the extraordinary activity of the Holy Spirit prompt people to select literature from literature displays in unprecedented numbers, even by the tens of thousands if you are a university campus or hospital institution!
Your friends in service with the Holy Spirit —
Your friends in service with the Holy Spirit —